Pond Aeration Aerator Pumps-Improve circulation and kill algae with a self-cleaning retention pond! Real results guaranteed
Without Aeration Your Pond May Spread Environmental Hazards
Your pond is a catch basin for road chemicals, yard chemicals and runoff. They get filled with erosion, debris, feces, grass and leaves. This pollution becomes trapped in the cold muddy depths where light cannot enter and oxygen is gobbled up.
Under these conditions, your pond may spread blue-green algae, coliform bacteria, and mosquitos. Your pond deep-end stops contributing to pond health and brews a noxious stench. Algaes and surface scum are prevalent. Fish growth may be stunted. Worst of all, neighborhood ponds in this condition are known to violently “turn-over” in the Summer, causing the top layer to lose oxygen and result in a fishkill.

Scientifically Improve Deep Pond Health
The EPA and Kansas Dept of Wildlife Parks & Tourism recommend aeration in ponds as the #1 way to improve pond water health.
1) Diffused aeration is scientifically proven to shrink these thermocline barriers: The diffuser emits a column of millions of tiny bubbles below the cold anoxic layer of muck. These bubbles diffuse oxygen and absorb toxic gases. The rising bubbles disrupt the muck and lift big loads of spoiled cold water that were trapped in the pond depths.
2) The millions of bubbles scrub your water with oxygen as they rise. The bubbles erupt at the surface, and the oxygenated water rushes in all directions across the surface. Sunlight, air, aerobic microbes, and shoreline biofiltration clean this dirty water.
3) This bubble curtain creates a far-reaching vortex of water motion in the pond. Water movement will dissolve the muck completely and balances the water temperature. The vortex continually sweeps oxygenated water over the organic sludge, which proliferates aerobic microbes. Over time, the organic sludge is being exhaled from your pond.

Note: Increased water quality supports beneficial shoreline flora (i.e. shamrock, hairgrass). When a pond matures, the combination of plants and aerobic microbes are efficient waste-reducers, and outperform the algaes.
Living Waters Aquariums & Ponds sells and installs all manner of diffused aeration systems. We take measurements of your pond to ensure we will turn your pond effectively. And we cover our installed packages with a results guarantee.