How to Add Water to Your Aquarium and Feed Saltwater Fishes

How to Add Water to Your Aquarium and Feed Saltwater Fishes

Refilling Your Aquarium Your aquarium may have a high-quality “sump” filter, located inside the cabinet stand. This sump is open and accessible. Fill the sump reservoir up to the “full” line. If too much water evaporates from the aquarium, bubbles will shoot from the filter tubes and cause algae to grow on the glass within…

A white swan swims in a wintery retention pond in East Wichita

10 Helpful Hints to Delegate your Retention Pond Maintenance

US Environmental Protection Agency: Vegetation management is probably the most frequent maintenance activity that occurs in association with the upkeep of stormwater ponds and wetlands. 10 Have your lawn care company report erosion annually Erosion is a top concern on biannual inspections. It creates sediment. To prevent erosion, ask your lawn maintenance company to report or…

Causes and Treatments for Ich
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Causes and Treatments for Ich

Presence of the Ich disease is an indicator that something in your aquarium is causing stress on the fish. This stress factor can be caused by:   Temperature changes New Tank Syndrome Ammonia Nitrites other disease Bully fishes Lack of oxygen Detritus (organic waste) Osmotic stress (too little salt and/or minerals) Nitrates (in rare cases)…

25 watt Aqua Ultraviolet Sterilizer plumbed above refugium

How to Install a UV Sterilizer in Sump

Your saltwater aquarium is a life support system. This life support system includes circulation fans, pumps, heaters and a sump or canister. As well, life-forms in every aquarium or pond are supported by 3 invisible types of filtration plus lighting. Most noteworthy of all this, a marine environment requires particularly pristine, sterile water. What are the benefits…

dental office water purifier spigot

Reverse Osmosis Water Purifier Installs for Fish Tanks

In order to fulfill the maintenance needs of our commercial and residential aquarium clients, we service and sale reverse osmosis systems. Water Purification for Aquariums If you have a saltwater aquarium, you have heard the importance of purifying water that you add to the aquarium. This means more than dechlorination. Our earth’s ocean is always…

Victims of winterkill in thawed pond
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Fish Kills: Causes, Disposal, and Prevention for Kansas and the Wichita area

Causes of Dead Fish, Removal from Pond and Prevention of die-off. Major fish losses are not uncommon in Wichita and Kansas ponds and lakes as KWCH reports. The die-off creates an increasingly foul odor for several weeks. When the mess is moved by the changing winds, the odor moves too. Moreover, sunny weather will increase…

Overland Park Kansas Campus shows Retention pond health
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Keeping Retention Ponds Healthy-Fix Your Retention Pond Health Issues and BMP Care Failures in Wichita Kansas!

Retention Ponds Are Vital for Flood Safety The main purpose of a retention pond (or BMP) is to reduce the destructive force of storm water. All retention ponds are designed to do these tasks: lower local flood damage, reduce erosion, dilute lawn and street chemicals, absorb heavy metals, preserve nature and recreational fishing spots. Issues…


Cycling a Fish Tank for Beginners. Prevent Disasters from New Tank Syndrome!

Cycling a Fish Tank- the Nitrogen Cycle What is “New Tank Syndrome”? Every aquarium will naturally establish a full nitrogen cycle within 8 weeks. However, before fully cycling a fish tank, every aquarium has a “new tank syndrome”. This is a 4 to 6-week process whereby your aquarium suffer days of high ammonia and nitrite….